‘My Roommate is a Gumiho’ is a popular Korean drama that tells the story of a college student named Lee Dam who accidentally swallows the marble of a 999-year-old gumiho named Shin Woo-yeo. In Korean mythology, a gumiho is a nine-tailed fox that can transform into a beautiful woman to seduce and prey on humans. However, Woo-yeo is different from other gumiho as he has lived for centuries without harming humans and has been collecting human emotions to become human himself.
When Lee Dam accidentally swallows the marble, she becomes connected to Woo-yeo and he is unable to use his powers until he retrieves it. In order to retrieve the marble and prevent Woo-yeo from losing his powers, the two become roommates and embark on a journey to find a solution. Along the way, they encounter various supernatural creatures and develop feelings for each other.
Lee Dam is a college student who is focused on her studies and has never been in a relationship before. She is initially scared of Woo-yeo but eventually warms up to him and becomes his friend. Woo-yeo is a gumiho who has lived for centuries and has been collecting human emotions to become human himself. He is initially cold and distant towards Lee Dam but eventually falls in love with her.
The show is filled with humor, romance, and fantasy elements that keep viewers engaged and entertained. The chemistry between the two leads is palpable and their relationship is heartwarming to watch. The show also explores themes of identity, acceptance, and the importance of human emotions.